About Polygamy in Britain

July 10, 2009

Once, a friend of mine put links about that polygamy in Britain (…)

I find myself disagree with that polygamy things in any points. But, according to the religion of Islam, somehow it is indeed allowed. So, I set them free when they believe in polygamy.

I think, it is such an unfair thing to do polygamy. A Marriage is A Way to Combine, two persons in any differences thay may have. And so, that would unfair when ‘each side‘ has more than one ‘thing’. One side, combines with other side. It’s like a team contains one-person-and-whole-of-itself combined with another one-person-and-whole-of-itself.

Okay, when they said : But Muhammad did that polygamy too.

Freedom, 1 juli 2009

Truth about Michael Jackson’s sex life

June 30, 2009

DEBATE over Michael Jackson’s sexuality raged long before claims he had an inappropriate relationship with boys.

From his childhood lived in a show business hyper-reality, his seeming asexuality while dating sought-after stars, a claimed passionate love affair with wife Lisa-Marie Presley and police raids over his activities with children – his sex life was anything but normal.

couriermail.com.au, 30 juni 2009

Ruzie over Lucy: Van oermoeder tot prehistorisch vraagteken

June 30, 2009

These evening I read on the website Kennislink.nl:

Op 30 november 1974 was het feest in het kamp van de antropologen, vlakbij de Awash rivier in Hadar, Ethiopië. Zojuist had Donald Johanson het opmerkelijk complete en – op dat moment – oudste skelet van onze mensenlijke voorouders gevonden. Vijf jaar later presenteerde Johanson dit skelet als Lucy: een vrouw en bovendien dé voorouder van de mens. Ze ging de schoolboeken in als onze oermoeder. Maar sindsdien maken wetenschappers ruzie. Want klopt dat allemaal wel?

Johanson en zijn collega’s hadden eigenlijk geen moment over het geslacht van Lucy getwijfeld. Ze was klein, kleiner dan veel van de andere, even oude skeletten die ze in Hadar hadden gevonden. Dat paste goed bij de theorie dat bij onze voorouders de mannen veel groter en sterker waren geweest dan de vrouwen. Zo’n groot verschil tussen de seksen noemen we seksueel dimorfisme (di = twee, morf = vorm, dus eigenlijk: in twee vormen).

Kennislink.nl, 29 juni 2009

STASH, Vol. 5(5) – Substance use and abuse among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youths: The role of rejection to disclosure

June 24, 2009

Youths who self-identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) are significantly more likely than other young people to report using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs (Marshal et al., 2008). Recent research has focused on risk or protective factors that influence substance use among this population. One proposed risk factor is rejection from one’s friends and family members following the disclosure of sexual orientation (i.e., “coming out”). Rejection following disclosure might produce feelings of shame and social isolation, which might contribute to increased substance use. This week’s STASH reviews a recent study of the relationship between reactions to disclosure of sexual orientation and substance use among LGB youths (Rosario, Schrimshaw, & Hunter, 2009)

The Brief Addiction Science Information Source (BASIS), 24 juni 2009

Strange relationship laws: When it’s an offence to kiss a sleeping woman

June 24, 2009

Weird laws:

SOME people would say that laws were made to be broken…and we could easily understand that expression especially when it comes to some of these really weird laws that are still on the books. They range from the hilarious to the ridiculous.

jamaicaobserver.com, 21 juni 2009

The Etymology of Family Through Sociological Perspective

June 24, 2009

An interesting article about the ethymology of family from a sociological perspective.

The notion of family as the form of people’s relationships took its root in the ancient time. Family has become the part of our life since then, but the importance of its study is still essential. Such a form of social relations keeps much attention among scholars. The aim of this paper is to contribute to general social perspective on the family and introduce a brief analysis of family’s origin, its history and structure.
I start my paper with the very definition of the family. Thus, family is form of social behaviour, then more than one people live together in a residence usually, but not necessarily such relations are legalized. The family can be organized because of marriage of two persons or then people of the same bloodline live together.

webarticlepost.com, 22 juni 2009

Obama Administration Set To Hold Powwow With Big Gay Groups

June 21, 2009

The Obama Justice Department has reached out to major gay rights organizations and scheduled a private meeting for next week with the groups, in an apparent effort to smooth over tensions in the wake of the controversy over the administration’s defense in court of the Defense of Marriage Act.

Tracy Russo, a spokesperson for Justice, confirmed the meeting to me, after I posted below that top gay rights lawyers were miffed that administration lawyers had rebuffed their requests to meet and discuss ongoing litigation involving DOMA.

At the meeting — which hasn’t been announced and is expected to include leading gay rights groups like GLAD and Lambda Legal — both sides are expected to hash out how to proceed with pending DOMA cases.

The Plumline, 19 juni 2009

Gay Marriage and Religious Freedom…Opinions?

June 21, 2009

Anyone who lives in California or followed or was actively a part of the debate over Prop 8 will remember this…

Those in support of Prop 8 (meaning: against gay marriage) had signs they would post in their yards or carry during rallies, as did those against Prop 8 (meaning: for gay marriage). The ones in support of Prop 8 said things like “Prop 8 = Parental Rights,” “Prop 8 = Less Government,” and (although neither of those made much sense to me) the one I found most perplexing:

“Prop 8 = Religious Freedom.”

Okay. So, as far as I understand, religious freedom means being able to freely practice your religion without interference from other groups or from the government. It means there should be no “state religion” to discourage the freedom to practice whatever religion you choose, or any laws in place to prevent the freedom to practice whatever religion you choose. Correct me if I’m wrong here.

So, in my opinion, Prop 8 is/was the OPPOSITE of religious freedom.

USAMessageBoard, 18 juni 2009

Why a Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity “Hate Crimes” Law Is Bad for You

June 21, 2009

Part 1: Promoting hatred of people opposed to homosexual practice and transgenderism

The so-called “Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act” (H.R. 1913), passed by the U.S. House of Representatives along party lines on Apr. 29 and introduced into the U.S. Senate shortly thereafter by Ted Kennedy (S. 909), is improperly named. The bill is really a hate-promotion bill as regards the inclusion of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” among the groupings slated to receive special protection.

Supporters of this bill who rightly believe homosexual practice to be unnatural and sinful have been duped into thinking that this bill is primarily about protecting homosexual and transgendered persons from violence. They hear the rubric “hate crimes” and think: Who can be for violence toward homosexual and transgendered persons?

Anglican Mainstream, 18 juni 2009

Poll: Support For Gay Marriage Dips

June 21, 2009

Support for same-sex marriage has declined slightly from two months ago, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds.

On other issues that have come before the Supreme Court — namely, affirmative action and abortion — Americans’ opinions have remained relatively stable for years, according to the poll, conducted June 12 – 16. Most Americans support some legal recognition of a same-sex couple’s relationship. The poll found 33 percent favor marriage for same-sex couples, down somewhat from a high of 42 percent in April, and another 30 percent support civil unions. A third of Americans think there should be no legal recognition of a same-sex couple’s relationship. Views in this poll are similar to those found back in March of this year.

CBS News, 17 juni 2009