The right to marry in Iran

Op dit weblog had ik het al vaker over feminisme en islam, ook over Iran. Ziba Mir-Hosseini (…) maakte duidelijk hoe belangrijk het is dat moslimvrouwen op hun eigen manier hun emancipatie bevechten en niet het feminisme van het Westen kopiëren.

Common Stereotypes of Islam

After September 11th Islam has become a religion known worldwide, even to people who knew nothing of it before. Nowadays when the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ is mentioned, a stereotype appears immediately. Some of the views being, Islam is all about violence,terrorism,,suicide bombers, and that how could it be justified when women are veiled strictly by Burqas and Pakistani girls are forced to get married? Genital mutilation happening in Africa? People assume this religion is in it self evil, forbidding women to drive cars or not being able to get an education, entering of polygamous marriages and the humiliation of being divorced. In fact, none of these practices are Islamic at all.

Weblog Anja Meulenbelt, 21 juni 2009

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